A PPC campaign audit would reveal the wrong features of your campaigns and enhance you to reframe them for the accomplishment of it. When you choose to do a PPC audit, you would be able to identify your campaign’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as assess conversion rates, keyword performance, and other metrics that affect your bottom line. During a PPC audit, your current efforts are examined and studied thoroughly to identify any faults or weaknesses. A summary of conversion rates and keyword performance would be provided. You would get a list of practical recommendations at the end of the report that you can utilize in the current situation to improve your conversion rates. The report must also address the following subjects of concern:
We would now see how PPC audits can be classified into various segments to perform their task more efficiently.
Time segment – The pattern over the previous 30 days is usually the first place to examine. This offers you enough information to make it look relevant for most accounts, but not so much that it is confusing. It aligns well because most people think in terms of monthly marketing expenditures. You want to see the entire marketing funnel, from impression through conversion, as well as cost and revenue KPIs in your analytics. This would offer you an early indication of how effective the campaign is and whether it is profitable. You can accomplish it by going to ‘columns’ then ‘edit columns’ and then save it for later use.
Specific weekday segment – When we are in the dimensions tab, it is a good idea to consider which days of the week are most convenient for us. It is simple to check, and correcting any discrepancies can result in rapid performance improvements. Then, we can look into it a little more and see if the campaign is sustainable for a specific time. We need to be very cautious while performing this task and there should not be any mistake.
Location-Based segment – Checking performance by location is another great measure to improve from the existential condition. There is not much to see from the perspective of a physical location. When we can observe that we are not getting much love from our AdWords advertising, it could be a good idea to test expanding the region of our campaigns. You can also add regions such as states to get more accurate information.
Setting-Based segment – If we go back to the campaign settings, we should make sure that nothing strange is going on. There are some inconsistencies in the settings. Some efforts are designed to increase conversions, while others are designed to increase clicks. Some companies employ improved CPC, while others do not. Some of them compete with Google Search Partners. Some devices feature bid modifiers, whereas others do not. There is nothing particularly troubling here, but we should try to rationalize our approach.
Device-based segment – While we are in campaign settings, we can also observe the impact of bid modifiers being applied inconsistently per device. We may observe doubling of Certified Public Accountant on mobile or desktop for a simple ‘Marketing Strategy’ because conversion becomes halved.
Google ads campaign audit ensures narrow targeting for specific keywords, finds out negative keywords and eliminates them and it keeps on finding the most relevant keywords for your business organization.